Run For Office

Run as a Libertarian!

Every election cycle, the Libertarian Party has thousands of candidates on ballots across America. By running for office, you give liberty a voice and voters a choice.

Penndel Borough Building

Libertarian Joe Adams Named Council President

Councilman Joe Adams, who joined the Libertarian Party last year, has been named Penndel Borough Council President. Mr. Adams was named Council President earlier in the year and reaffirmed this week as he was able to bring all sides together for consensus.


Libertarians Ready For Reading Meeting In March By Joe Zlomek | February 15, 2023 READING, PA – Members of the Libertarian political party from across Pennsylvania will gather March 3-5 (2023;

Calling All Vendors

Calling All Vendors!

The Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania would like to formally invite all businesses, brands, or hobbies to vendor at the 2023 LPPA Convention in Reading, PA, March 3rd-5th.

Early Bird Special

Early Bird Pricing for Convention Extended!

In order to give our members and everyone interested a chance to join us at convention, the LPPA Convention Committee has decided to extend early bird pricing until Tuesday, January 31st!


Call to Convention 2023!

Every year, the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania hosts a convention to conduct state business and connect libertarians across the keystone state. After a bold midterm election, we stand together for the first time in over two decades with our party status unbroken. With a premier array of engaging speakers, this is an event not to be missed!


2022 LPPA Candidate Rally in Harrisburg

On October 24th, 2022, libertarian candidates from across Pennsylvania rallied on the steps of the Pennsylvania Capitol Building for increased

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