No other political party is built like the Libertarian Party. Our democratic, bottom-up power structure and bylaws guarantee that regular party members will always be in control of the organization. YOU are in charge!

At state convention delegates make a number of important decisions: choosing our statewide candidates; selecting our party’s executive officers and judicial committee; choosing our delegates to even year Libertarian National Conventions; and considering changes to our platform and bylaws. If you are a Libertarian, we want you to have a say in who gets chosen and how our party is run. If you would like to be a delegate to our State Convention to vote on these matters, just follow these steps:

1) Become a dues-paying member of the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania (if you aren’t one already). Membership is only $25 per year. Please note: our bylaws require delegates to have been members for 90 days before a convention. If you join after that date, you may not be able to vote at the convention.
Join here: LPPA.ORG/join

2) Make sure your state voter registration indicates that you are a Libertarian. If you are registered with another party, you will not be able to be vote at our convention.

3) Register for the State Convention. Registration will open in December. You will receive a notice about it by postal mail and email.

4) Attend the convention. Have your say!

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