Fellow Pennsylvania Libertarians and those interested in what is going on with the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania:
Most of you are already aware that our convention was this past weekend, and during the Officer Elections, I was elected to Chair.
First I would like to thank those who believe in me enough to put me in this position, but I will also say that without your continued support and help, we will not see our goals come to fruition, and I will outline some of the plane after I congratulate the rest of our team!
Jennifer Moore won re-election to Eastern Vice Chair. Her hard work in helping to create new affiliates is an inspiration, and I am looking forward to seeing what happens in 2019!
Bill Sloane won re-election to Central Vice Chair. He has participated in a number of committees, including chairing the committee to draft a contract for an Executive Director. It is a good contract, and if our board hires an Executive Director, I am expecting something really good to come from that relationship!
David Vesely won re-election to Western Vice Chair, and his efforts have actually brought together Libertarians and other Liberty minded individuals out in the west. I expect his organizational efforts to bear even more fruit in 2019!
Kathleen Smith won as Secretary. When we first met, she was running for Lt Governor, and it was clear that the party would be much poorer if she chose to leave it. I am excited to have her as part of the team to lend her abilities and efforts to our cause!
Kyle Burton won as Treasurer. Having spoken with Kyle, his goal is making our party strong financially. Moving forward, it will be necessary to have someone with a finance background, as well as someone to work on the reporting that will become necessary once we begin raising money over the next several months. His professionalism is most welcome!
So much has been learned over the course of my political adventures, and all that has been learned will be applied to my new role. It is my intention to use my experience, as well as to draw upon others’ experience in order to help facilitate the growth and effectiveness of the party by working on fundraising for such activities as achieving ballot access. One of the other goals is to help support our candidates wherever possible. This means helping with messaging, branding, etc. It is my hope that our team will not only bring together experienced candidates, but bring together inexperienced yet willing to learn candidates. I want us all working together, running for offices working with those who want to run but need / desire help, and hopefully 2019 will see the largest number of elected Libertarians in the history of the LPPA!
I am excited for this opportunity, and I am looking forward to serving! Again, thank you all, and Congratulations to everyone who won election or re-election this past weekend, we have an AWESOME team, and I am proud to be part of it!
Steve Scheetz