Libertarian Petition Signers And Candidates Harassed By Operatives
In an attempt to scare Libertarian candidates off the ballot, operatives for the major parties have harassed both petition signers and candidates themselves.
In an attempt to scare Libertarian candidates off the ballot, operatives for the major parties have harassed both petition signers and candidates themselves.
Five of the Libertarian candidates for office in Pennsylvania are facing challenges from the major parties in an attempt to remove their names from the ballot.
The Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania has fielded the most legislative candidates in nearly thirty years. On the ballot this November will be candidates for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, U.S. Senate, U.S. House, two for the Pennsylvania Senate, and seventeen for the Pennsylvania House.
The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board has been found liable for damages, interest, and lawyers’ fees in yet another case brought against its unlawful operation.
The Libertarian Party has passed a resolution in support of Defend the Guard legislation across the country. This legislation would protect the National Guard from being deployed without a formal declaration of war from Congress.
The Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania calls upon the Pennsylvania House of Representatives and Senate to pass HB2421 immediately to help our veterans in need.
Chester County was lucky to have some of the best restaurants in Pennsylvania. In fact, a local eatery was named
York, PA— September 7, 2021 — This Labor Day, The Libertarian Party of York, PA (LPYorkPA) collected over 700 pounds
The Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania (LPPA) is seeking registered Libertarians to file for local offices throughout Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania has lots
Are you a registered voter in Pennsylvania? Can you help us with Ballot Access? We need you to download this
The Democratic and Republican parties of Pennsylvania like to pretend that they represent different ideas and actions. While there are
The Lancaster County LP is having a fun time participating in parades and letting people know that Libertarians are active
© Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania
4203 Union Deposit Road #1185
Harrisburg, PA 17111
1-800 R-Rights or 1-800-774-4487