Libertarian Candidates Across Pennsylvania
Press Releases

The Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania Fields Most Candidates in Decades

The Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania has fielded the most legislative candidates in nearly thirty years. On the ballot this November will be candidates for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, U.S. Senate, U.S. House, two for the Pennsylvania Senate, and seventeen for the Pennsylvania House.

Defend the Guard Pennsylvania
Press Releases

The Libertarian Party Passes Defend the Guard Resolution

The Libertarian Party has passed a resolution in support of Defend the Guard legislation across the country. This legislation would protect the National Guard from being deployed without a formal declaration of war from Congress.

Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania

Recruiting Candidates for Local Offices

The Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania (LPPA) is seeking registered Libertarians to file for local offices throughout Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania has lots


Signature Sheet Printing

Are you a registered voter in Pennsylvania? Can you help us with Ballot Access? We need you to download this

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